Saturday, January 4, 2020

Flannery O Connor s A Good Man Is Hard - 1601 Words

Thousands of men are imprisoned each year due to theft, assault, and so many other horrific deeds. Everyone knows the most extreme is murder. Flannery O’Connor, the author of â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find,† tells a horrific story of a deceiving grandmother who takes a road trip to Tennessee with her family. Evidently, the lie she told ends up leading her whole family including herself to a horrible death by â€Å"The Misfit†. The antagonist in the story, the Misfit, is an escape convict on the run and will do whatever it takes to get him where he is going and will kill anyone who gets in his way. Even if it means killing a baby and a lady. Some believe the story is such a chilling tale because of the story telling techniques O’Connor uses to†¦show more content†¦This sets an image in the reader’s mind that the Misfit is extremely odd and mysterious. Gresham further explains a scene where the family finds themselves stranded far from thei r destination, with a wrecked car and coming face to face with the Misfit. Gresham emphasizes O’Connor’s technique of â€Å"buried action† when he talks about the killing of the grandmother’s family in the woods, though not describing what exactly happens; he says we all can imagine how it must have been. Gresham expresses his thoughts during this scene as if he is frozen before a â€Å"coiled snake† (Gresham n.p.). Furthermore, Gresham describes the fate of the grandmother’s death as she reaches out to touch the Misfit. He immediately shoots her three times through the chest. Gresham mentions how the Misfit begins to clean his glasses right after he kills her. What might this mean? Gresham seems to think it may be â€Å"his desire to see, literally and figuratively, the whole reality--about the world he has unearthed, and more importantly, about who he is† (Gresham n.p.). Gresham believes there is no religious or spiritual vision in O’Connor’s narrative. Rather he admits, â€Å"Here I surrende r instead to an agnostic realms in which malicious strangers exist and horror happens and explanations, finally, are largely beyond me—if not beyond Flannery O’Connor† (Gresham n.p.). Gresham makes several unbelievably great points throughout his

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