Thursday, December 19, 2019

Human Interaction And The Bonds Of Friendship - 1879 Words

Human interaction and the bonds of friendship and love between people have fascinated us for centuries. Scientists, poets, authors, and many others have inquired, explored, and expressed their findings throughout history. Whereas scientists focal point is often the reasoning behind these feelings and why we behave the way we do, authors approach the subject with a representation of what it means to be human and possess these qualities. In every culture throughout time, authors have delved into stories, both real and imagined, that illustrate the relationships between people and the loyalty to one another. Through the use of characters and plot, they have depicted how the true measure of a person s character lies in his integrity and how he interacts with others. Charles Dickens, an author during the Victorian era, is held as one of the greatest novelist of all time. Dickens addresses many universal themes and issues in all of his novels. In Charles Dickens extolled novel, Great Exp ectations, through the skillful crafting of characters such as Abel Magwitch, Pip, and Joe, the renowned author illustrates the bond of loyalty between humans and the actions of responsibility that it procures, as well as the value and true humanity of a person stemming from his inner worth. At first, Abel Magwitch seems to be the last person one would expect to be loyal, trustworthy, and hold immense integrity and morality. As a convict, the reader expects him to be vile, cruel, andShow MoreRelated`` The Bright Stuff `` By President Woodrow Wilson : The Only Cement That Will Ever Hold The World979 Words   |  4 Pagesdeclared that â€Å"friendship [was] the only cement that will ever hold the world together†. Human beings form massive networks, tied together by fine threads, like a web. Those relationships revolving around us are expanded by pollination, as meeting friends of friends rapidly increases one’s social network. 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